Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chloee's Spring/Summer Activites

Chloee's ballet recital. She had a double ear infection and pink eye. She didn't feel all that great but she danced anyway. Ava also had pink eye. What a lovely infection that is.
She's trying really hard to be happy to be here.
Chloee put on her big smile and went back stage to wait for the big performance. She loves all of her ballerina friends.
Time for the good ol' Fairview Elementary dance review. Chloee got a new dress. She was rather proud.
They danced to Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. She can really shake her hula.
Here is Tball. It's so cute to watch. Or funny. Or cute and funny. She played great!
Ava loves to go to Tball games so she can "have a friend."
Chloee has had a busy couple of months with all her activities. She did such a great job in all of them and we are so proud of her.

Our fabulous day here at Lagoon.

Our fun filled day at Lagoon started out like this. Full of excitement. Happy faces for all.

Still, wildly happy faces. Excited for the new adventure at hand.

Until now. This is a miniature version of the Rocket. The ride raises up and lets you free fall. This is Ava's death grip in a moment before the drop. She did not enjoy herself. Chloee thought it was ok but wasn't about to jump back in line.

The bumper cars has always been my favorite ride. Ava seems to think it's ok. For now. As the ride took off other kids started bumping into her. The level of disgust she displayed is hard to explain.

Here is a slight comparison.

This is Chloee flirting with the boy who just crashed into her. She's one flirtatious mama who thought the ride was "not much fun".

After a generous soaking on the log ride dad decided to turn those frowns upside down with a dish of ice cream. It seems to have done the trick.

Except for dad.

Dad wound up going on all the rides with the girls(Due to moms motion sickness). Oh how the girls love the rides that spin in a circle. They definitely didn't get that from their mom.

Now it's time to bid farewell. With two tired girls, one head sick grandma, and one motion sick mama it was time to climb in the car and fare the long trip home. Uggg. We did come home with some pretty fun memories. Thanks to Grandma Jo for her help and her willingness to jump on the rides with the girlies. I'm not sure if we would have survived without her. And for the record, I've been home for 24 hours and I'm still motion sick. How did old age hit so fast??

Grandpa stopped by and asked the girlies if they wanted to ride the horses around the rodeo grounds. Naturally, the girls were ecstatic. They scurried around for their shoes and socks and cowboy hats. They had a great time.

The mountains were so beautiful with the green foliage and the sunset. Grandpa and Chloee had their picture taken with the horseshoe in the background. I thought this was a real keeper of a picture.

Standing there watching Chloee and grandpa ride around was almost like watching my own life from the outside in. It brought back so many memories. There was something so magical about that evening with the sunset and the dust kicking up. It brought me to tears. The girls love their grandpa so much! Chloee can't wait 'til next time.