Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween was a lot of fun. It was like a 3 day extravaganza. I think one day is plenty. Although the costumes get their use, that's for sure.

Ava is protesting the picture taking and, as always, refuses to smile. Instead she proceeds to show a little leg. Who knew Little Red Riding Hood had such a spunky attitude?

Fancy Nancy made an appearance. Chloee was the cutest Fancy Nancy I'd ever seen. She had a great weekend. There were Halloween parties galore and not to mention the famous Elementary School Parade. Such a cute smile!!

Here we are headed to the trunk or treat. We got drenched. It rained and it was FREEZING. Ava says she WILL NOT smile mom. See, I can just cover my mouth like this.

This is Chloee's pumpkin. She doesn't really like to pitch in with the carving. She doesn't like touching all those pumpkin guts!!

Here is Ava's one smile for the month. (for the camera anyway) Dad helped with Ava's pumpkin and of course he chose the most complex template in the whole book. He was up even after the kids went to bed trying to finish. One day he'll learn!

What a fun year! We made lots of fun Halloween themed treats and had Halloween dinner. Thanks to mom for always making holidays so special. I have so many great memories of Halloween and other holidays. Mom always made them tons of fun and super special! Thanks mom for the treasured memories!
The girls had plenty of treats by nights end! Boy were we pooped come Sunday!! Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Chloee's 6th Birthday Bash

Chloee started off her birthday bash on Thursday with her friend Ashlyn at Jumpin Jacks. They had a blast.

On Friday we had her family party. She was sooooooo excited. We had a Fancy Nancy style cake. Chloee LOVES Fancy Nancy. In fact she loves her so much she chose to be her for Halloween.

What a silly girl. We couldn't get Ava to pose with Chloee for a picture.

Chloee got a pillow pet from mom and dad. Boy the unicorns are a hot little item. I spent two weeks tracking one down. It was worth it to see the look on her face.

Chloee blew out the candles. I can't believe she's six. I'm so proud of you Chloee Joee. You are such a sweetheart!!
Happy Birthday!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Ava

It was such a big day with tons of anticipation. Family came to enjoy the party and Ava was so excited to see everyone. She almost didn't know what to do with EVERYONE there all at ONCE!

Oh the anticipation. There's candy in that purse. Chloee was so excited you would have thought it was her birthday.

We sang Happy Birthday and Chloee ended up blowing out the candles. Maybe next year Ava.

Ava had her cake and ate it too. It was a fun day. Thanks to all those who shared it with us.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was Chloee's first day of Kindergarten. She was so excited. Excited for school, to wear her new clothes, and to see if she knew anyone in her class. I was so proud of the way she behaved. She wasn't sad at all. Her mom tried to hold back the tears. Probably because her eyes were dry from sobbing herself to sleep the night before. Anyway, Chloee didn't shed a tear. She's going to meet so many new friends and have a great time. Did I mention how proud I am of her? Snif Snif.
Mom and Dad love her so much. Oh and check out the Jessie backpack. She is so excited and proud to have one. She LOVES Jessie.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Workn Week

The girls are usually sad when I have to work. But they are over it as soon as they find out that the grandparents are going to watch them. I don't think they miss me at all. In fact, I usually end up chasing Ava all over the house trying to round her up into the car. And Chloee is usually hiding from me at some point during this chaos. Although, in the end, we are always glad to be home and with eachother. But they do love their grandparents a whole a buncha. Maybe cuz they're spoiled?? I dunno. Just sayin.
We are so blessed and thankful to have grandparents so close who are willing to tend anytime we need them. Thanks so much to you all! We love you a ton!

Friday, July 30, 2010


The girls got new ballerina jammies complete with the tutu's. They were so excited. Ava, however, protested the picture taking while Chloee couldn't get enough camera time. Chloee is showing off her moves from ballet class. Ava loves her new reena tutu. She can't quite say it right. We've actually started calling them reenas cuz it's so darn cute.
All in all they both make beautiful reenas!