Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was Chloee's first day of Kindergarten. She was so excited. Excited for school, to wear her new clothes, and to see if she knew anyone in her class. I was so proud of the way she behaved. She wasn't sad at all. Her mom tried to hold back the tears. Probably because her eyes were dry from sobbing herself to sleep the night before. Anyway, Chloee didn't shed a tear. She's going to meet so many new friends and have a great time. Did I mention how proud I am of her? Snif Snif.
Mom and Dad love her so much. Oh and check out the Jessie backpack. She is so excited and proud to have one. She LOVES Jessie.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Workn Week

The girls are usually sad when I have to work. But they are over it as soon as they find out that the grandparents are going to watch them. I don't think they miss me at all. In fact, I usually end up chasing Ava all over the house trying to round her up into the car. And Chloee is usually hiding from me at some point during this chaos. Although, in the end, we are always glad to be home and with eachother. But they do love their grandparents a whole a buncha. Maybe cuz they're spoiled?? I dunno. Just sayin.
We are so blessed and thankful to have grandparents so close who are willing to tend anytime we need them. Thanks so much to you all! We love you a ton!